FIP is one of the most challenging diseases to diagnose because feline coronaviruses are commonly found in the intestinal tract of many healthy cats. When this virus mutates or changes, clinical disease occurs. Unfortunately, routine blood testing for feline coronavirus is not clinically useful. Instead, testing is restricted to those cats in which a diagnosis of FIP is strongly suspected due to clinical signs and other supportive laboratory data. Histopathology remains the best way to diagnose FIP in the living cat.
Fine needle aspiration is a useful tool to collect samples for cytology and is often used to diagnose abnormal lumps on your pet's body as well as evaluation of fluid samples and tissue surfaces. It is relatively simple and inexpensive but can provide a lot of information. Depending on results, further tests may be indicated to best help your pet.
Flow cytometry is a laboratory technique that can be used for counting, examining, and sorting cells. A sample is passed through a light source and as the cells move through the path of the light source, they scatter the light in different ways.
Food allergies can be problematic for many cats, especially after years on the same diet. Clinical signs may manifest as gastrointestinal or skin problems. Animal proteins are the most common causes and strict avoidance is the best way to treat affected cats. An 8 to 12-week elimination diet trial on a special veterinary diet is the only definitive method to diagnose a food allergy and, in some cases, the veterinary diet may need to be continued long-term.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy uses a flexible tube with a camera or viewing port to inspect the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine, or the colon. The endoscope cannot reach all areas of the small intestine, so other tests may be needed to diagnose disease in these areas. 12–18 hours fasting and enemas are required prior to endoscopy depending on the area being studied.
Genetic (DNA) testing is readily available, whether you are using it for fun to find out what breeds your pet is made up of or if you are looking into possible medical conditions. DNA samples can be collected either from a cheek swab or a blood draw. Knowing which breeds your pet is made up of can help you and your veterinarian prevent or prepare for health issues in the future.
A Holter monitor is a portable device used to continuously monitor the electrical activity of the heart and can be an effective and non-invasive way to help your veterinarian evaluate heart conditions, especially when trying to determine the cause of fainting episodes or evaluate treatment. Many cats are not bothered by it and ignore its presence.
Testing for microalbuminuria has some use in detecting early kidney disease but can also be an indicator of multiple other diseases. A positive test gives your veterinarian suspicion to carry out further testing; however, it can have false positives if not used properly. It is a simple test that can give you a jump on treating a condition to help your cat live a happier life for longer.
Pets diagnosed with epilepsy are usually prescribed one or more medications to prevent convulsions or seizures. Careful monitoring of epileptic pets is necessary to ensure the medication dose is right and that no problems occur due to long-term use.
Pancreas-specific lipase is a form of lipase produced only in the pancreas and is highly specific to the pancreas. Blood values increase only when there is pancreatic inflammation. There is now a version of the fPLI test that can be used in-clinic (SNAP fPL© from IDEXX). Ideally, the sample should also be sent to the laboratory to get an actual value of fPLI to help with treatment and monitoring.