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Late Arrival & Cancellation

Late Arrival

We try our best to see everyone as close as possible to their scheduled appointment time in order to respect everyone’s personal time. To help us, please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

If you are late we will of course try to accommodate. Depending on the schedule and what is going on with our current patient load, we may be able to still see you or potentially offer a drop-off appointment for the doctor to see your pet when there is the time within the next couple of hours in between already scheduled patients. BUT please be aware that if you are going to be 15 minutes late or more, we may need to reschedule your appointment for a later time or a different day.



We understand if things come up and you cannot make it in or no longer need to be seen but we kindly ask that you cancel your appointment as soon as possible to give the spot for another pet in need.

Deposit for specialists is non-refundable unless it is canceled at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. No show or same-day cancelation will forfeit your deposit. So please remember, if you have left a deposit for a specialist appointment or surgery please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours before in order for us to refund your deposit. These deposits are required for traveling veterinary specialists that still charge us whether you show up or not unless we cancel in advance. Thank you for understanding.